gbo Medizintechnik AG
Version 2.0
6.3 Multiple logitudinal (whole-) body treatments in parallel
As a rule, in whole-body treatment the longitudinal current flow is realized with two pairs of electrodes,
applied on the hands and feet each.
Principally – independent of the physiological effect of such a therapy – with the four channels of
also multiple parallel, overlapping longitudinal current flows can be realized. Here, due to
physical principles, on the devices side it cannot be excluded that the patient experiences current sensations
when adding further channels. Thus, please notice:
If a second electric circuit is added in parallel to the first longitudinal body
treatment, which is overlapping the first circuit for a large area of activity, the total
resistance in the first circuit is reduced suddenly at the moment of turning on the
second circuit. This rapid change in resistance causes a sudden current increase,
which in the end may lead to a current sensation or – with acivated current
monitoring - to cutting off of one channel. This can be avoided in the following
Activate first the circuit, which passes the smaller part of the body, and only
after that the whole body treatment.
This note is only applicable for current circuits that overlap in a significantly
large area. Of cause local therapies of small body regions, e.g. the knee,
during a whole-body treatment are not concerned by this.