To avoid injuries and damage caused by moving parts,
always ensure to switch off and unplug the machine, before installing or remo-
ving the bean hopper.
6. Ensure that the bean hopper is completely dry, the shutter protrusion is turned to
the complete open position, and the machine is unplugged.
7. By holding the bean hopper with the small opening downwards and the grind
size graduation to the rear of the appliance, insert the bean hopper into the
grinder intake (large opening on the warming plate) and slightly push the bean
hopper down. Then turn the bean hopper clockwise, until the grind size gradu-
ation is facing to you.
8. Rinse the water system (see below: ‘Flushing the Water System’).
– Before switching on: Please, do not forget to fill the water tank
to avoid damage to the pump. Ror removing, the water tank must be pulled straight
upwards. Ensure that the drip tray is inserted correctly (see: ‘Operation’).
When the appliance is switched on the pump may be operated for filling the
water system and some water may drip out of the group head and steam wand.
This is normal.
9. Ensure that the drip tray is empty and installed correctly (see: ‘Operation / Emp-
tying the Drip Tray’). Fill the water tank with up to 2.8 litres of clear, fresh drin-
king water (see: ‘Operation / Filling the Water Tank’).
10. Insert a filter basket into the portafilter and install the portafilter
without coffee
at the group head (“THERMOBLOCK”). For this, hold the portafilter into
the group head with the handle to the left (8 o' clock position “INSERT”). Turn
the handle to the right to the stop.
11. Place a heat-resistant bowl or pot (capacity at least 1.5 litres) onto the drip tray
below the group head. Grasp the steam wand at the handle and point the tip
of the steam wand into your vessel.
12. Ensure that the control dial in the centre of the control panel is turned to the cen-
tral standby position (vertically). Then connect the espresso machine to a suffici-
ent wall power outlet.