Your new » Design Espresso Barista Pro « is designed for brewing fresh, hot espresso
with only some short steps of preparation. For this purpose, the appliance is equip-
ped with the following properties and features.
• On a glance the
on the control panel provides information on the cur-
rent mode of operation and the available functions (see below: ‘Display and
Operating Elements’).
• Via the
integrated grinder
you can grind whole, fresh coffee beans just before
extraction. The correct dose is given off automatically (see below: ‘Adjustable,
Automatically Controlled Grinder’). The amount can be programmed according
to your likings (see: ‘Entering Your Own Settings’).
• Almost immediately after switching on the espresso machine you can start the
grinder. Within approx. 1 minute, the water system is heated to operating tem-
perature and you can start the extraction.
• The
automatically controlled espresso funktions
for 1 cup (SINGLE) or 2 cups
(DOUBLE) perform a pre-injection cycle, before starting the extraction process:
When pressing an espresso button, the water system gives off a little amount
of water first for moistening the coffee powder and letting it swell. After a short
break, the extraction starts, building up the required high pressure (max. 15 bar).
This improves the way of extracting flavours and oils from the coffee powder.
• You can adjust the espresso functions according to your likings (see: ‘Entering
Your Own Settings’). Via the steam wand the appliance can give off hot water
and steam. Use this functions for diluting drinks and/or texturing (frothing up) milk
for lattté or cappuccino. You control these functions conveniently via the control
dial in the centre of the control panel (see below: ‘Steam Wand for Hot Water
and Steam’). After approx. 15 litres of water ran through the water system the
appliance issues a descaling warning and starts the
descaling function
tically. This function ensures that the descaling process successfully removes the
scale deposits within the water system (see: ‘Descaling the Water System’). For
saving energy, the
automatic shut-off
switches off the espresso machine, when
the espresso machine is idle for more than approx. 20 minutes (display gets
dark). If you wish to re-assume operation, simply press the ON/OFF button.
Even though the appliance features an automatic shut-off, you
should not leave the appliance switched on uselessly. Switch off the appliance via
the ON/OFF button and unplug the appliance for saving energy and ensuring a
long lifetime of the heating system.
The various functions, (espresso, steam, and hot water) cannot be operated simultaneously.