6 Daily Care
Checking the Printer Status via E-mail
This section describes cautions when sending e-mail from the computer to the printer to
check the printer status.
• Specify the printer’s e-mail address by using the e-mail program installed in the computer.
• You can specify any title when checking the printer status or changing the printer settings.
• Use the commands described below to create the text of the e-mail.
• The way of sending an e-mail differs depending on the e-mail program you use. For details, refer to the
manual for the e-mail program.
List of Commands That Can Be Used in E-mail Text
Item to be
Port Status
Select [Enable].
Protocol Settings
> E-mail
Machine E-mail
Address, SMTP
Server Address,
POP3 Server
Address, POP User
Name, POP
Password, APOP
Select appropriate settings for sending and receiving
Transport Protocol
Select appropriate settings for using TCP/IP protocol.
Permitted E-mail
When setting the permission for e-mail for checking
information and changing the settings, input the e-mail
address that is permitted to receive the e-mail. If no
address is input here, the printer receives e-mails from
all users.
When setting the password for access to the printer
(both read only and full access (read/write)), check the
[Enable Password] check box to set the password.
Set the e-mail address to which notices about changes
in printer status or errors are sent. Also set the contents
of the notices, and time interval to send the e-mail.
Use this command at the top of the e-mail when a
password for the read only or full access is set. You can
omit this command when the password is not set.
Set this when you want to check information on the
network settings list.
Set this when you want to check the printer status.
Recipient e-mail
Set the e-mail address to which notices about changes
in the printer status are sent by e-mail. This command
can only be used when the full access password is
specified by using the #Password command.