1.4 Canceling/Checking Printing
Canceling/Checking Printing
Canceling Printing
To cancel printing, you can either cancel the print job at this printer or at the computer.
Canceling Printing of Data Being Printed or Received at the Printer
Press the <Cancel Job> button on the control panel. However, pages being printed at the
moment will continue to be printed.
Canceling Print Data That Is Being Processed at the Computer
Double-click the printer icon
at the bottom right of the taskbar in Windows.
From the displayed window, click the document name that you wish to delete and press the
<Delete> key.
Checking Status of Print Data
Checking in Windows
Double-click the printer icon
on the task bar at the bottom right of the screen.
From the displayed window, check the column, [Status].
Checking in CentreWare Internet Services
You can check the status of the print job sent to the printer at the [Jobs] tab of CentreWare
Internet Services.
Refer to
• Online Help for CentreWare Internet Services