L2TP Server
Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) is a tunneling protocol. It does not provide any encryption or confidentiality by itself. Rather, it relies on
an encryption protocol that it passes within the tunnel to provide privacy. Here on the IPPBX system we use IPSec to do the encryption.
To configure L2TP server, please click on the
button to show the configurations.
Configure the L2TP Server before enabling it.Click on
button to setup the OpenVPN server.
Client Network Start IP, Client Network End IP
: L2TP VPN remote network IP range, between start IP and end IP there must be
less than 10 available IP addresses.
Server Local IP
: L2TP VPN local server IP address.
Primary DNS
: Primary DNS for VPN connection.
Alternate DNS
: Alternative DNS for VPN connection.
Authentication Method
: Select the authentication method: chap or pap.
: Password Authenticate Protocol, PAP works like a standard login procedure; it uses static user name and password to
authenticate the remote system.
: Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
CHAP takes a more sophisticated and secure approach to authentication by creating a unique challenge phrase (a randomly
generated string) for each authentication.
: Tick to enable debug for L2TP VPN connection, debug info will be written into system logs.
Enable IPSec
: Enable IPSec encryption for L2TP VPN server.
IPSec Local IP
: WAN IP which can access Internet.
IPSec Password
: Define a password for IPSec VPN client to authenticate.