Proxy server is dedicated for NAT traversal of remote SIP registers. When enabled, you may register remote extensions directly without
any other additional settings on the IPPBX or your router.
You need to complete the form with your real contact info, we may have to contact you with the contact info you have provided,
and the certificate will be sent to the email address given by you.
In the
Select Server
field, please select a preferred country which we had deployed our proxy services. If the your country is not
listed here please consult your sales team or support team for advice.
In the
External Domain
field, you may define a customized prefix for the domain name you wish to be assigned to your IPPBX.
Once the SIP proxy service is activated, the domain name can be used to register remote SIP extensions directly without any other
additional settings.
Server Protocol
defines the signaling protocol that the IP PBX communicates with the SIP proxy server, it can be different than the
protocol the SIP endpoints communicate with the IP PBX system.
Proxy Signaling Ports
listed the port number of protocols the SIP proxy server supports. SIP Proxy supports SIP over UDP, TCP and
TLS transport protocols, so you may set the extensions on the IP PBX system to use one of these 3 protocols. As per the protocol
chosen on the IP PBX system, the SIP endpoints need to use the same protocol and the corresponding given port number so
remote register will work.
In the
Local Access Interface
field, by default it uses WAN interface, modify it only when you use LAN to contact to your local
Once completed this form, please click on the “Submit” button to save these info and then click on the “Download Source File” button,
please send the downloaded file to our distributor or our sales representative, we will issue the certificate for activating the proxy server
within 3 work days.
The downloaded source file is as shown below.
The certificate file issued by us is as shown below.