Sets the scan mode to primary channel.
If an input channel is specified, the primary channel is set to that channel and
the scan mode is set to measure the primary channel only. If multiple channels
are specified the first channel in the list is accepted as the primary channel and
the others are ignored.
The <channel> parameter is enclosed in parentheses with the symbol @ follow-
ing the opening parenthesis. For example, (@5) would be used to select input
channel 5.
Example command: CONF (@3)
This query command returns the measurement type and input channel numbers.
“TEMP” is returned for the measurement type showing that the measurement
function of the 1560 is temperature. A list of selected channels follows. The re-
sponse is in the following format:
“TEMP <channel_list>“
The channel list is preceded with @ and enclosed in parentheses. Channel num-
bers are separated by commas. The returned channel list depends on the scan
mode. If scanning is off, the primary channel number will be returned. If scan-
ning is on the list of selected channels for scanning will be returned.
Example command: CONF?
Example response: “TEMP (@3)”
DATA[:DATA]:VALue? [MEM,]<numeric_value>
This command returns one measurement stored in memory at the specified lo-
cation given by <numeric_value>. The range of <numeric_value> is 1 to 1000.
(The actual storage capacity of memory may be less than 1000 depending on
the number of input channels added.) Specifying the data array name, MEM, is
optional. The measurement is returned with the following format:
<channel number>,<measurement value>,
<units>,<year>,<month>,<day>, <hours>,<minutes>,<seconds>
Example command: DATA:VAL? 10
Example response: 3,0.0115,C,1996,3,12,11,43,22
This query command returns the number of data points stored in memory.
Specifying the data array name, MEM, is optional.
Example command: DATA:POIN?
Example response: 115
1560 Thermometer Readout
User’s Guide