The SCALE parameter determines the measurement range that produces a 1V
change in the output. For instance, if CENTER is 25.0 and SCALE is 100.0
then a reading of 0°C causes a voltage of –0.25V to be output. Use the numeric
buttons to set the SCALE parameter then press
Selecting Data
The 1560 can be programmed to send any type of measurement from any chan-
nel to the analog output. This is done using the
function in
soft-key menu (see Section 5.3.2). A window will show a list of
output channels. Select the AOUT channel using the
buttons and press-
. Select the input channel you want to output using the +CHAN-
NEL parameter. A window appears showing a list of input channels. Move to
the desired channel and press
. If you want to output the difference be-
tween two channels select a channel for the –CHANNEL in the same way, oth-
erwise leave it 0. Next, select the calculation type. You can select between
TEMP (temperature), INPUT (i.e. resistance), or various statistical functions of
temperature. The analog output will immediately begin transmitting a DC volt-
age representing the specified measurement. The voltage will be offset and
scaled based on the CENTER and SCALE setup parameters explained above.
The output will be updated every time a new measurement is completed on ei-
ther of the selected input channels.
The 3560 Analog Output Device can be calibrated to improve accuracy. The
calibration parameters are accessed using the
function in the
soft-key menu (see Section 5.4.3). Select the AOUT device. A win-
dow appears showing the calibration parameters for the Analog Output Device:
0V ADJ: 0.0
1V ADJ: 0.0
CAL DATE: 09-21-95
The 0V_ADJ parameter adjusts the accuracy at 0V. As an example, if the out-
put is +0.013V when it should be exactly 0 then 0V_ADJ should be adjusted by
subtracting 0.013 from its present value. The error at 0V can be determined by
measuring a know value, such as the resistance of a short, and then setting the
CENTER setup parameter to that value. Set the SCALE parameter to a large
value, such as 10000, for better accuracy. The output should then be exactly 0V.
1560 Thermometer Readout
User’s Guide