voltage with the 1560 and the voltmeter simultaneously. Note the aver-
age error in the 2566 measurement. Adjust the GA 1 parameter by sub-
tracting the measured error. For example, if the input is exactly 100.0000
mV and the 1560 shows 100.2953 mV, the GA 1 parameter should be
adjusted by subtracting 0.2953 from it. This adjusts the gain for channels
1 through 6.
Repeat steps 1 and 2 for Input 8 (or any of inputs 7 through 12) adjusting
the OS 2 and GA 2 parameters. This calibrates the voltage measusrement
of inputs 7 through 12.
Verify the voltage accuracy of each of the 12 input channels at 0 and 50
mV. The accuracy must be within the short-term voltage accuracy given
in the specifications.
Connect the calibrated thermocouple to Input 1 and insert the measuring
junction into the temperature source. Measure the temperature with the
2566 (be sure to program the 1560 with the correct thermocouple type).
Note the average error in the 2566 measurement. Adjust the CJ OS 1 pa-
rameter by subtracting the measured error. For example, if the tempera-
ture measurement should be exactly 0.0°C but the 1560 reads 0.18°C, the
CJ OS 1 parameter should be adjusted by subtracting 0.18 from it. This
adjusts the CJC for Input 1.
Repeat step 5 for Inputs 2 through 12 adjusting CJ OS 2 through CJ
OS12 respectively.
Verify the temperature accuracy of each of the 12 input channels using
the calibrated thermocouple and temperature source. The accuracy
should be within 75% of the internal CJC accuracy given in the
Record the date with the CAL DATE parameter.
13 2566 Thermocouple Scanner Module