returned sub-range is a number from 0 to 5. If the ITS-90 conversion is not se-
lected for the given channel number, a “Settings conflict” error (-221) is
Example command: CALC2:CONV:SRLOW?
Example response: 4
CALCulate[n]:CONVert:SRHigh <sub-range_number>
This command selects one of the ITS-90 high sub-ranges for the given input
channel number. The channel number is given by the CALC suffix
. The
<sub-range_number> is 0 or 6 through 11. 0 sets the sub-range to NONE. If the
ITS-90 conversion is not selected for the given channel number, a “Setting con-
flict” error (-221) is generated.
Example command: CALC2:CONV:SRH 7
This query command returns the selected ITS-90 low sub-range for the given
input channel. The channel number is given by the CALC suffix
. The re-
turned sub-range is 0 or 6 through 11. If the ITS-90 conversion is not selected
for the given channel number, a “Setting conflict” error (-221) is generated.
Example command: CALC2:CONV:SRH?
Example response: 7
CALCulate[n]:CONVert:TEST? <numeric_value>[,<numeric_value>]
This query command is used to test the temperature conversion for the given in-
put channel number. It returns the temperature corresponding to the given resis-
tance or voltage. Temperature is calculated using the selected system
temperature units. The channel number is given by the CALC suffix
. The re-
sistance or voltage is specified using the first <numeric_value> parameter. The
second <numeric_value> parameter can be used to specify a CJC temperature
for thermocouple conversions. It is ignored if internal CJC is specified. If it is
omitted when external CJC is specified, a value of 0 is assumed.
Example command: CALC2:CONV:TEST? 100.0145
Example response: 0.0100
Output Channel Commands
6 Digital Communications Interface