of Conformity for your instrument lists the specific standards to which the unit
was tested.
The instrument was designed specifically as a test and measuring device. Com-
pliance to the EMC directive is through EN 61326-1:2006 Electrical equipment
for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements
As noted in the EN 61326-1, the instrument can have varying configurations.
The instrument was tested in a typical configuration with shielded RS-232
Immunity Testing
The instrument was tested to the requirements for industrial locations. This al-
lows the instrument to be used in all types of locations from the laboratory to
the factory floor. Criterion A, B, or C was used for Radiated RF (IEC
61000-4-3) depending on the module configuration. Criterion A or B was used
for Conducted RF (IEC 61000-4-6) depending on the module configuration.
Therefore, the operation of the instrument may be affected by excessive elec-
tromagnetic interference and the instrument may not perform within the normal
specification limits in such an environment.
Criterion A or C was used for Electrostatic Discharge (ESD, IEC 61000-4-2)
depending on the module configuration. Criterion A or B was used for Electric
Fast Transit (EFT, Burst, IEC 61000-4-4) depending on the module configura-
tion. If the instrument is subjected to ESD conditions at industrial levels, the in-
strument may require the user to cycle the power to return to normal operation.
Emission Testing
The instrument fulfills the limit requirements for Class A equipment but does
not fulfill the limit requirements for Class B equipment. The instrument was
not designed to be used in domestic establishments.
Low Voltage Directive (Safety)
In order to comply with the European Low Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC),
Hart Scientific equipment has been designed to meet the IEC 1010-1 (EN
61010-1) and the IEC 1010-2-010 (EN 61010-2-010) standards.
1560 Thermometer Readout
User’s Guide