ceptable with the selected conversion type, a “Settings conflict” error (-221) is
Example command: CALC2:CONV:PAR:VAL? RTPW
Example response: 100.0145
CALCulate[n]:CONVert:PARameter:VALue? ALL
This query command returns the values of all conversion parameters for the
given input channel number. The channel number is given by the CALC suffix
. Returned values are preceded by the parameter name and a separating
comma. Parameter names are presented as strings (enclosed in quotes). If there
are no parameters for the given channel, an empty string, “”, is returned.
Example command: CALC2:CONV:PAR:VAL? ALL
Example response: “RTPW”,100.0145,”A8”,
CALCulate[n]:CONVert:SNUMber <serial_number>
This command sets the probe serial number for the given input channel number.
The channel number is given by the CALC suffix
. The <serial_number> pa-
rameter is a string (enclosed in quotes) representing the serial number of the
probe. It can consist of up to eight characters that includes any letters, numeric
digits, decimal points, and minus signs.
Example command: CALC2:CONV:SNUM “4-336C”
This query command returns the probe serial number for the given input chan-
nel number. The channel number is given by the CALC suffix
. The returned
serial number is in string format (enclosed in quotes).
Example command: CALC2:CONV:SNUM?
Example response: “4-336C”
CALCulate[n]:CONVert:SRLow <sub-range_number>
This command selects one of the ITS-90 low sub-ranges for the given input
channel number. The channel number is given by the CALC suffix
. The
<sub-range_number> is 0 through 5. 0 sets the sub-range to NONE. If the
ITS-90 conversion is not selected for the given channel number, a “Settings
conflict” error (-221) is generated.
Example command: CALC2:CONV:SRLOW 4
This query command returns the selected ITS-90 low sub-range for the given
input channel number. The channel number is given by the CALC suffix
. The
1560 Thermometer Readout
User’s Guide