Acquires one measurement from the primary channel, waiting until com-
Returns the value of the measurement.
Example command: READ?
Example response: 0.0113
This query command returns a measurement value from the input average
block of a given input channel. The measurement is returned as a resistance or
voltage rather than a converted temperature. The measurement value is an aver-
age of a number of previous measurements where the average number depends
on the setting of the input average function (see Section 5.1.5). The input chan-
nel number is specified with the SENS suffix. If the channel number is omitted
input channel 1 is assumed.
Example command: SENS3:AVER:DATA?
Example response: 100.0291
Measurement Control Commands
This group of commands deals with timing and action of the measurement pro-
cess. These commands are summarized in Table 11 on page 75.
This command cancels the measurement or sequence of measurements in pro-
cess. If the measurement mode is continuous a new measurement will
immediatly be initiated. If the measurement mode is COUNT measuring will
stop and the measurement mode will change to OFF.
Example command: ABOR
This command starts one measurement or a series of measurements if the
COUNT number is greater than 1. It is equivalent to selecting COUNT for the
MEASURE mode with the
soft-key function in the
menu. The
measurement status indication on the display is updated to reflect any changes
caused by the command. This command also sets the state of the INIT:CONT
function described below to OFF. If measuring is already in process when this
command is received no operation will occur and an “Init ignored” error (-213)
will be reported.
Example command: INIT
1560 Thermometer Readout
User’s Guide