The <error_number> is a value between -32768 and 32767. If the error mes-
sage queue contains no error messages the following message is reported:
0,“No error”
Following is a list of error messages that may be reported:
“No error”. This message is reported when no error message is held in
the error queue.
-100“Command error”. An invalid command was received. This may be
caused by any of the following conditions:
The command was misspelled.
The header separator was incorrect.
The command is not acceptable with this instrument or firmware version.
A query command was missing the question mark.
A required parameter was missing.
-200“Execution error”. A valid command was received but was unable to be
-213“Init ignored”. An INIT:IMM command was received while a measure-
ment was already in process.
-221“Settings conflict”. A command could not be executed because of the
current configuration or condition of the instrument, possibly because of
incompatible probe type.
-222“Data out of range”. A received parameter value was outside the valid
range or the received data type was incorrect.
-294“Incompatible type”. The CALCn:CONV: COPY command was re-
ceived but was unable to execute because the source channel and destina-
tion channel were of incompatible types.
-300“Device-specific error”. A hardware error occurred.
-315“Configuration memory lost”. The start-up self-test detected that the data
in non-volatile RAM was invalid or was cleared because the hardware
configuration had changed.
-330“Self-test failed”. The start-up self-test detected a hardware problem
such as a module bus error.
-350“Queue overflow”. This message is placed at the end of the buffer (in
place of the last message) when an error occurred while the error queue
was full.
-360“Communication error”. Transmission of a response was unsuccessful
due to output buffer overflow.
-400“Query error”. The remote device attempted to receive data from the
1560 but no data was present or pending in the output buffer.
6 Digital Communications Interface