An Overview of the Mobile Camera Systems
Federal Signal Mobile Camera Systems provide drivers of vehicles used in
towing and recovery, fire/EMS, utilities, highway maintenance/DOT, sani
tation, construction, and in many other industries an extended field of view
when backing up or maneuvering their vehicles in environments where op-
timum visibility is important for enhanced safety. Designed exclusively for
professional applications, all Federal Signal systems and components are
built with the distinct needs of the commercial/industrial market in mind
and are backed by our two-year warranty.
urnkey Systems
Three turnkey mobile camera systems are available:
Each system includes a monitor, a standard rear-view camera, a camera-
to-monitor extension cable, and accessories. Components and systems that
are NTSC-compatible include “NTSC” in the part number, and those that
are PAL-compatible include “PAL” in the part number. The NTSC video
standard is primarily a North American video standard, whereas the PAL
video standard is predominantly a European video standard.
This system includes:
• a 5.6"-diagonal color TFT LCD monitor (CAMLCD-INT-56)
• a high-resolution rear-view camera with infrared low-light vi-
sion capability and a microphone, with a mounting hardware kit
• a 65.5 ft (20 m) camera-to-monitor extension cable
• an input/power/trigger wiring harness with inputs and indepen-
dent triggers for two cameras (CAMADP-INT-2)
• a monitor mounting bracket with mounting hardware