Multi-zone ART Workstation User Manual Rev. 6.0
33.6 Gas box (only for models without a built-in gas mixer)
The gas box is used only in the Multi-zone ART Workstation without a built-in gas mixer.
It is needed to ensure internal gas circulation in the system.
Therefore, the gas box must be replaced once every 2 years to maintain proper gas
circulation in the system.
Please follow these safety precautions when changing the internal gas pump:
Always use an original gas pump (contact Esco Medical or your local distributor
for more details or ordering).
Change the gas box within 2 years from the date of installation.
Failure to change the gas box may cause bad gas circulation.
Warranty void if wrong/ non-original pump is used.
Please refer to the service manual for replacement instructions.
33.7 Internal gas pump
The internal gas pump is used to transport the mixed gas through the chambers. In time
the performance of this pump can be affected, causing a longer recovery time.
Therefore, this pump must be replaced once every 2 years to maintain the fast recovery
time after lid openings.
Please follow these safety precautions when changing the internal gas pump:
Always use an original gas pump (contact Esco Medical or your local distributor
for more details or ordering).
Change the gas pump within 2 years from the date of installation.
Failure to change the pump may cause slow recovery times or breakdowns.
Warranty void if wrong/ non-original pump is used.
Please refer to the service manual for replacement instructions.
33.8 Proportional valves
The internal valves make gas regulation possible. If the proportional valves are worn, gas
regulation may be affected. It may cause more prolonged recovery time, incorrect gas
concentration or breakdown. Therefore, these proportional valves must be replaced once
every 3 years to maintain system safety and stability.