NAT CLI Commands
2/1553-ZAT 759 94 Uen B – December 2005
nat list resvmaps
14.16.1 Syntax
nat list resvmaps <interfacename>
14.16.2 Description
This command lists the following reserved mapping information for a specific
outside security interface:
Reserved mapping identification number.
Reserved mapping name.
Global address – the IP address of the outside interface that is mapped to
the inside IP address.
Internal address – the IP address inside the network that the outside
security interface IP address is mapped to.
Transport type (IGMP, IPIP etc).
Port – TCP or UDP port used by the transport type. If a non-TCP/UDP
protocol is used, the port is set to 0.
14.16.3 Options
The following table gives the range of values for each option which can be
specified with this command and a default value (if applicable).
Option Description
interfacename The name of an existing security
interface (external or DMZ) created
and connected to an inside interface
(DMZ or internal) using the
command. To display
security interfaces, use the
security list interfaces
14.16.4 Example
nat list resvmaps extinterface
NAT reserved mappings: