Setting value and Description
Select an algorithm for an encryption for SNMPv3.
Enter the password for an encryption for SNMPv3.
Enter between 8 and 32 characters in ASCII (0x20-0x7E). If
you do not specify this, leave it blank.
Confirm Password
Enter the password you configured for confirmation.
Context Name
Enter within 32 characters or less in Unicode (UTF-8). If you
do not specify this, leave it blank. The number of characters
that can be entered varies depending on the language.
Related Information
“Controlling protocols” on page 446
“Protocols you can Enable or Disable” on page 446
Using a Digital Certificate
About Digital Certification
CA-signed Certificate
This is a certificate signed by the CA (Certificate Authority.) You can obtain it to apply to the Certificate
Authority. This certificate certifies the existence of the printer is and used for SSL/TLS communication so that
you can ensure the safety of data communication.
When it is used for SSL/TLS communication, it is used as a server certificate.
When it is set to IPsec/IP Filtering or IEEE802.1x communication, it is used as a client certificate.
CA Certificate
This is a certificate that is in chain of the CA-signed Certificate, also called the intermediate CA certificate. It is
used by the web browser to validate the path of the printer's certificate when accessing the server of the other
party or Web Config.
For the CA Certificate, set when to validate the path of server certificate accessing from the printer. For the
printer, set to certify the path of the CA-signed Certificate for SSL/TLS connection.
You can obtain the CA certificate of the printer from the Certification Authority where the CA certificate is
Also, you can obtain the CA certificate used to validate the server of the other party from the Certification
Authority that issued the CA-signed Certificate of the other server.
Self-signed Certificate
This is a certificate that the printer signs and issues itself. It is also called the root certificate. Because the issuer
certifies itself, it is not reliable and cannot prevent impersonation.
Use it when making the security setting and performing simple SSL/TLS communication without the CA-
signed Certificate.
If you use this certificate for an SSL/TLS communication, a security alert may be displayed on a web browser
because the certificate is not registered on a web browser. You can use the Self-signed Certificate only for an
SSL/TLS communication.