SapIP – IRT Instruction Manual 1/23/2017
Page 47
Dynamax, Inc.
SDI Data packet Structure – Output package
GP2 – Delta – T logger
CSI CR1000 Logger Output
Below is an example of data output from a CR1000 data logger for 3 SPIP-IRT sensors. The
column headers are : Timestamp, Record, Battery Level, Panel Temp, Sensor 1 ID, Sensor 1
Battery Level, Sensor 1Object Temp, Sensor 1 Ambient Temp, Sensor 2 ID, Sensor 2 Battery
Level, Sensor 2Object Temp, Sensor 2 Ambient Temp, Sensor 3 ID, Sensor 3 Battery Level,
Sensor 3Object Temp, Sensor 3 Ambient Temp.
SDI Code Blink Performance
The LED blinks are as follows: if attached to a fixed (continuous) power supply, every ten seconds
a short blink occurs. That operational blink tells us we are working and ready for commands.
If not attached to a fixed supply, a short blink occurs on power up (50 ms), we are then ready for
Upon receiving a SDI command: every correct command results in a long blink. An "aM" command
will have a longer blink during the temperature measurement (2seconds).
The blink above is broken down as follows: The LED turns on when a “break” is detected. It is
turned off when the protocol resets or when a command is executed. So, a protocol failure would
result in a short blink since the protocol will detect a failure and then reset, thus a short blink. At
least the blink tells us that the break was detected. The GP2 logger retries 9 times when no correct
response is received.
So, the LED will blink 9 times when a persistent error is repeated