SapIP – IRT Instruction Manual 1/23/2017
Page 9
Dynamax, Inc.
Analog Output Specification
A low impedance voltage scaled to represent temperature is available on the connection wiring
harness. In the equation below, Vo is that output voltage which corresponds to T the target object
T = V
/0.01 - 40.0 (T is in degrees C).
Range 0 – 1.6 V
SAPIP_IRT-SDI serial digital specifications
The SDI version is a passive client, no actions are performed automatically. Commands and data are transmitted
through a bi-directional serial port. The port follows the standard “
SDI-12 A Serial-Digital Interface Standard For
Microprocessor-Based Sensors Version 1.3”. Digital signals are on the wiring harness.
Data Collection
Measurement collection is triggered by an “aM” or “aMC” command. The “a” is the unit address, the “C” calls for a
checksum. The measurement takes 2 seconds.
Serial Data Output
The data is held in memory and transmitted on the port after receipt of a “xD0” command. The response will be the
Sensor ID, then battery voltage, and then object temperature followed by the ambient temperature in one line,
terminated with a carriage return/linefeed. For example: “1+0036+6.0+22.04+21.34(CRLF)”. For the checksum
version a three character checksum comes before the CRLF.
Radio Mesh – Wireless Network to Controller, and Network to Cloud Option
The purpose of the Zigbee protocol is to have a method of connecting the data results from nodes
to a coordinator. The coordinator then concentrates all the data for the industrial controller, or PC
to analyze the data. Users or the central controller make irrigation decisions based on the
information recorded.
Zigbee Protocol: Ultra-modern, self-healing mesh networking. Contains assignable network PAN
ID’s for comingled networks. Nodes are automatically discovered and assigned a data destination
to the coordinator of the network. The Routers collect data from End nodes and transmit to the
Coordinators assigned to a network.
Digimesh Range (SapIP-IRT-DM Network)
900 MHz Range
(To be announced in 2016)
: 6500 feet (2 kilometers).
This new Node will have the advanced Digimesh network built –in and extends the range to
4-5x of the Zigbee. The node will have the radio transmit toa gateway protocol that will
extend the data to the Agrisensors.net cloud based monitoring service.
Note: 2 kilometer (1 to 2 miles) These ranges only apply when there is a direct line
of sight (LOS) which is not obstructed and the antenna is correctly aligned. Note
that a high gain antenna requires alignment vertically, so that a very narrow
horizontal aperture lines up with the target antenna.