SapIP – IRT Instruction Manual 1/23/2017
Page 12
Dynamax, Inc.
Assembly and Mounting Procedures
Each SapIP-IRT should be assembled and installed following the protocol found in the following
sections. This will ensure no problems will arise during each unit’s tenure in the field. A collection of
four separate mounting procedures have been collected and illustrated below.
Several tools will be required during installation. A general set that will be needed are found
Flat-head Screwdriver, (5/64”)
Philips-head Screwdriver
Crescent Wrench or set of
Drill /Drill-bit (5/16”)
Dynamax Mounting Kits
The Dynamax Mounting Kit and the Adjustable Mounting Kit are the overall preferred method of
installing each SapIP-IRT unit. Each set of equipment and the procedures for its installation are
described within its associated sub-section(s) below. For lower canopy crop such as cotton or wheat, a
fixed height (3 ft) above ground are recommended.
When purchased, both the SapIP-IRT and Adjustable Mounting Kit come with the materials
necessary for proper installation. Each accessory needed during the installation process is included.
Dynamax SapIP-IRT Fixed
Dynamax SapIP-IRT
Each device ordered comes with the 2” EPS conduit hanger
(shown below) to fasten the unit to the mounting kit.
Included are
¼ ” x 1-1/2” Hex-Head Bolt SS, nut and washer
5/16 ” x 3” Hex head Bolt, Galv, Nut, and Washer
Zip-ties (customer provided - optional)
Can be used to fasten any loose cables to the sensor
Install the EPS hanger on a vertical pole that has been pre-
drilled with a 5/16” (8mm) hole at the top of a conduit
(1.25” diameter) or a horizontal hurricane fence pipe (1.25”
Insert the 5/16 x3 bolt and washer through the EPS hanger
hole and affix to the vertical pipe as shown in #1. Tighten
the lock washer and the nut to hold the IRT in a 45 degree
tilt to the canopy being monitored.
Insert SapIP in the hanger bracket, and insert the ¼ x 1-1/2
Hex Bolt at position #2. Position the IRT and clamp the
hanger so that it is balanced, and add the lock washer and
nut and tighten.
The pole can be inserted into the ground or onto a barbed
wire post or fence post for both fixed and adjustable height.