SapIP – IRT Instruction Manual 1/23/2017
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Dynamax, Inc.
The new SapIP-IRT wireless infrared temperature system is the latest development in infrared leaf
temperature sensing technology for applications in irrigation scheduling and plant stress detection. As a
temperature sensor, the module has many other applications and can be considered a general purpose
temperature sensor.
The newest IRT( Infra-Red Temperature) module has a narrow field of aperture and has an imbedded
processor temperature controller for a calibrated digital signal. The imbedded processor provides a comparison
to the reference body temperature and makes a series of readings to generate one value. This module has a
very accurate reading to +/- 0.5 C, is very stable over time, and has a signal window and field of view (FOV)
For example; at a 20 degrees FOV one would have a complete coverage of 95%. So, for a 1 meter wide
target, a customer would have to place his or her IRT 3 meters above the item or surface being measured (20
degrees FOV).
This new system allows small IRT nodes to be distributed throughout a field, and for its recorded data
to be collected with a coordinator module then stored in a logger or transmitted to a display or controller.
There are several means of collecting the IRT’s temperature node data: communicating in a public
ZIGBEE data network, or with a serial port or by analog voltage signals. There are three versions:
Zigbee Node
Digital Data Stream
Wireless Transmission to Zigbee coordinators
Analog Module –
Volts Output
Wired connect to SAPIP-RS9, or SAPIP-RS24
Or any analog logger.
Serial 3 wire
Digital Data Stream
Wired transmission to loggers and SDI-12 field
bus. (New product 4 Q 2016)
The following items support the ZigBee wireless version:
Coordinator module
Central termination for ZigBee,
collects data and transfers to a USB
Router module
Repeater/Router to extend range of
ZigBee networks
Software application
Simple data collection program using
the coordinator module
Once it is transmitted the data can be calculated, displayed, and graphed on Dynamax’s customer
website named Agrisensors.net. This network will consist of the customer’s SapIP network, along with the
units accompanying temperature (analog) sensors.