SapIP – IRT Instruction Manual 1/23/2017
Page 25
Dynamax, Inc.
Sequential and Functional Descriptions
After resetting the hardware, all of the digital hardware is initialized to a known state that will be
ready for use.
Charge Battery Begins
First an EEPROM variable is monitored by the processor to indicate a thermistor is embedded in
the battery pack. When the command is given to top-off charge ( see 9.1 for IRT_ZB or 8 for
IRT_SDI) the rapid high current charge sequence begins until termination. If the thermistor is not
present then the unit will ignore temperature and stay in top-off mode until it reaches 6.2 V or
charges for 5 hours (whichever occurs first). If the thermistor is present, termination can also occur
if the battery exceeds maximum temperature, goes below minimum or the temperature rises too
All currents are set at 12 V input to the external battery charger circuit (solar panel input).
The source of the units charge is from the solar panel (see specs).
Charging is discontinued momentarily during the noise sensitive measurement cycle (2 seconds).
Check Battery Voltage
Battery voltage is checked to see if it is in the acceptable range. If the battery is below 3.8 V a very
slow LED blink will begin. The LED will be on for 10 milliseconds and off for 10 seconds and the
charger will continue to function if it can.
The IRT unit is frozen in this routine and will not change until the voltage rises over 4.2 volts.
Start Radio Link
Zigbee radio will then be turned on. The radio will attempt to join a network on PAN 100. The
radio is then put to sleep.
Note: Joining attempts will continue based on the unit’s profile settings.
Radios are programmed for API mode. End device destination is set for 0= coordinator, PAN=100,
sleep mode=pin hibernate.
Coordinator is set for PAN100, child poll timeout set to 30 minutes.
Read Temperature
The Melaxis IR temperature sensor is read through an I2c two wire port. Six samples are taken 10
seconds apart, averaged and stored in an accumulator (Note: 6 x 10 seconds = 1 minute.). If the
EEPROM interval is set to zero, only one sample is taken.
Timing and Sleep Considerations
Sampling takes 2 seconds.