SapIP – IRT Instruction Manual 1/23/2017
Page 15
Dynamax, Inc.
firmly in place throughout the duration it is in the field. An illustration of the last bolt that will
need to be fastened is shown below as a
red arrow
Overall Installation – sequence of operations for linking up Zigbee RF modules
After installing the sensors, from either Section 1.1 to 1.2, or by installing to a fence post in 2.1 to
2.3, here are the sequences to follow to have communications start up the first time. (Powering up the IRT
in Section 4).
1.3.1 – First install the Coordinator, the receiving device, and make sure that it is powered up.
If you are using a Coordinator inside the SALH, make sure that the device is on, and has been reset.
Both the coordinator and the SALH have coordinator chips which are programmed by Dynamax to a
specific Channel and Specific list of PAN ID, and all the IRT have been programmed to respond to the
coordinator address. Please make sure that the PAN ID and the SC Channels match.
The Coordinator should have high gain antenna, and it should be waterproof, and should be powered on
100 % of the time. If AC power is applied thru a converter, get rid of that, and use a 120 V charger and a
battery with 4 Ahr supply at 12 V to make sure it is always on.
1.3.2 Then power up the Routers.
The Routers should have high gain antenna, and antenna should be waterproof, and should be powered on
100 % of the time. If AC power is applied thru a converter, get rid of that, and use a 120 V charger and a
battery with 4 Ahr supply at 12 V to make sure it is always on. One may use a solar panel as well with a 4
Ahr sealed (4x5 x 6 “ size).
After powering up the Routers, you may use a XBIB Zigbee module in the coordinators to scan the
channels with the XCTU Configuration and Test software, to make sure all Routers are on, and what the
signal strengths are. The appendix shows some of the operations of the XCTU module.
1.3.3 Finally Power up the End Nodes (Section 4)
Each path of the Zigbee protocol establishes a route to the coordinator, and keeps that route until there is a
network reset, or the node is turned off. Thus is required that the Routers and the Coordinator are powered
on, to settle the connection and transmit data. We recommend that the closest nodes to the coordinator are
turned on first.