SapIP – IRT Instruction Manual 1/23/2017
Page 46
Dynamax, Inc.
The LED turns on while the data is formatted and sent to the radio.
Note: There will be a pseudorandom delay before the data is sent.
Then, the battery voltages are checked. If they are bad, revert to the ‘Battery Charge
Loop’ (as listed above).
Next, the LED will be turned off and the pseudorandom delay is normalized so the total
delay is 200 milliseconds. The Measurement Loop restarts at the top.
o Blink Codes
DS2 is attached directly to the radio; CPU firmware does not control this LED. That LED is called
the “associate LED” in the Zigbee documentation.
Note: It is the customer’s responsibility to check the Zigbee documents.
Context is everything when examining the radio blink codes. The client should know where he or
she is in the software loop to correctly interpret the radio blink codes.
Note: There may be reason to believe Zigbee documents are not 100% accurate.
When first powering up an IRT with a coordinator nearby waiting for association, the LED is off for
several seconds then several fast blinks will occur, indicating association.
Next, the normal blink sequence will start: 9 short blinks separating the 10 one second sleep periods.
After that is the 2 second. It then repeats until the time to transmit data. The first blink has an
irregularity due to timing tricks used to tune the software for accuracy.
When in API mode during transmission of data the LED blinks fast about 4 times depending on
packet transmission time + acks.
References to Blink Codes in the Zigbee Manual
End Device Blink Rate
“XBee: ZB End Device Joining” pg. 48 associate blink rate is 2 times per second.
Associate LED (pg. 80)
Shows diagrams for success and failure codes.
Join Notification (pg. 130)
LED is blinked rapidly on all devices that receive a JN command.
Blink Rate Command (pg. 133)