SapIP – IRT Instruction Manual 1/23/2017
Page 32
Dynamax, Inc.
Miscellaneous Functions To Transmit to IRT control and settings.
Receive and Execute Remote Commands from Coordinator to a Specific IRT Node.
See Zigbee packet Ver8.xls or Ver9.xls for further details
These commands can be addressed to particular units (by the coordinator, or by the IRT Watcher
Software) or they can be broadcasted. This requires that the EEPROM programing is read, and is
specific to a particular unit which avoids confusion. The responses do not contain the unit numbers
so they will have to parse by using the radio 64-bit address.
'S' Sample Command: Forces an immediate transmission of data, resets record counter to 0, and
restarts the sample clock.
'R' Reset Command: Resets software to the starting point. Hardware registers may not all initialize.
'V' Version Command: Sends a data packet with an ASCII string. This containing the software
version, date, and revision. Revision, however, isn't currently in the software but 'V' will still
support it.
'P' Program Command: Programs an EEPROM location which can be a byte, word, or long word.
Its input parameters are size, and address. *
Note: The first 4 bytes are the serial number, which cannot be programmed. The command
mode switch and the radio output mode also might be non- programmable or forbidden as
well (this could potentially prevent the user from programming the unit into a black hole).
'F' Charge Command: This command puts charger into ‘Top-off mode’. Charging will revert to
trickle when temperature or voltage termination conditions occur (6.2 V) or 5 hours Top-off charge
or if a reset is given (see above).
'X' Read EEPROM Command: Reads an EEPROM variable which can be a byte, word, or long
word. Its output is a packet that contains data in ASCII hexadecimal form. Its input parameters are
size and address.*
* These command are not implemented in IRT Watcher as of Dec 2016.
Output Data on SDI
SDI-12 Data Sensor Serial Number:
The sensor number is expressed as a decimal number, the GP1 logger refuses to accept
hexadecimal ASCII, it requires straight decimal only. So the serial number which can be
any hex number up to FFFF is converted to decimal. So the maximum for that would be
FFFF = 65535.
When the logger asks for the information packet, then the serial number is given as
hexadecimal ASCII.