SapIP – IRT Instruction Manual 1/23/2017
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Dynamax, Inc.
The client also has the option to download his or her data files to a PC or an imbedded SCADA
controller. PC data collection is supported with the purchase of a coordinator module (SAPIP-IRT-COR ) and
a windows software collection program, the IRT Watcher, (SPIP-IRT-WS). These data sets can be imbedded
into SCADA or independent controllers to calculate plant stress models which can determine when and how
often the client’s crops need irrigation. Dynamax does not plan to provide SCADA controllers, but does
provide stress monitoring hardware and a WIFI broadcast manager, the SPIP-SALH – The Stress Accumulator
Further, the SapIP-IRT leaf temperature sensors can integrate as a complete stand-alone system or as
part of a SapIP wireless mesh network. The complete network contains an option for plant sap flow, sap
velocity, soil moisture, weather, and leaf temperature, all which can be monitored simultaneously all in one
system. Up to 40 SapIP-IRT nodes can be connected wirelessly with a single GSM modem and the nodes can
be “daisy-chained” up to four levels deep, which can allow data to be transmitted from distances over a mile
Lastly, these SapIP systems are both versatile and flexible allowing them to be applied for several
different purposes.. Each unit is configurable for a customer’s specific applications, and records surface
temperature from 0-50 C. The sensor operates over a long distance via the relay and coordinator network
covering a very large field as shown in the chart Figure 1. The IRT may be arranged in a pivot system, where
the data is transmitted to a central pivot controller (Figure 2). The structure of the IRT network is a mesh
network so nodes can relay data from the End node to a Coordinator node. Each Coordinator node is the
collection point for all data, and therefore is the concentrator for all data coming to the system. Each Router
has a limit of 10 Zigbee nodes. Each Router reports its data to the Coordinator, which dumps its data into the
IRT Watcher, the Windows program that creates and saves data to a PC. Each node arranges communication
links upon power-up finding the shortest path to the Coordinator node.