12.4 XML Diagram Legend
The following provides a legend for notation used in diagrams depicting XML structures.
Element Symbols
In the schema design diagrams presented above in this document, only the elements
are drawn. Attributes are not visible. The cardinality of the element (0..1, 1 exactly, 0..n,
1..n) is indicated by the border of the elements. Optional elements are drawn with a
dashed line and required elements with a solid line. A double border indicates a
maximum occurrence greater than one.
Optional element
Min. occurrence = 0,
Max. occurrence = 1
Required single element
Min. occurrence = 1,
Max. occurrence = 1
Required repeated element
Min. occurrence = 1,
Max. occurrence = unbounded
The content model of elements is symbolized on the left and right side of the element
boxes. The left side indicates whether the element contains a simple type (text,
numbers, dates,) or a complex type (further elements). The right side of the element
symbol indicates whether it contains child elements or not.
simple content complex content
complex content
with child elements
no element content
(simple type, attributes
only, or empty element) Examples
Optional single element without child elements. Minimum Occurrence = 0, Maximum
Occurrence = 1, content = complex.
As with above, but with child elements, the "plus" at the right side indicates the presence
of one or more undisplayed child elements.
Mandatory single element. Minimum Occurrence = 1, Maximum Occurrence = 1, content
= complex, no child elements (i.e. this denotes an empty element). The gray or green
text below the element displays the xml-schema annotation associated with the element.
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Version 1.3
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