Figure 24: Device Manager GUI – JNior Device Setup
Enter the IP address of the "JNior" device in the “Server IP” field
The port number field should already contain the appropriate value (factory default
The "JNior" device documentation will provide the correct username and password
(factory default values).
Click the “Save” button to record the settings
A window will appear asking for a password, enter the password to proceed JNior Device Removal
To remove the JNior device click on its name on the left part of the "Device Manager"
Click the “Delete” button (see Figure 24 above)
5.3 Raw Device
5.3.1 Raw Device Addition
A “Raw” device allows for communication with an external device across an Ethernet connection
using "Raw" data formatted as text or binary strings.
To use a "Raw" device click the “Add” button and select “Raw”
The "Raw" device setting window will be displayed within the "Device Manager" as
presented below:
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Version 1.3
Doremi Cinema LLC Confidential
JNior IP
address field