Enter the appropriate password and click the “Ok” button
The Trigger Cues will then be available within CineLister in order to be included in a
Show Playlist
The saving operation will not only save the Trigger Cues, but also the Macro Automation
Cues that were created according to the procedure described in Section 6.2.
6.4 Pre-defined Macro Usage
If the user has a pre-defined "macros.xml" file containing automation and trigger cue definitions,
then copy it into the "/doremi/etc/" folder and the corresponding macros will be visible in the
Macro Editor GUI. The user will then be able to update the cues if needed from the Macro Editor
GUI as presented in the previous paragraphs.
6.5 Default Cues
The "default_cues.xml" file can be used to load an automation and trigger cues playlist prior to
any playback. This is to avoid having to add a “Fire Alarm” trigger cue to each show. If the user
is provided a "default_cues.xml" file copy it into the "/doremi/etc/ folder".
6.6 Startup Scripts
Copy the script to be executed automatically at boot in the following folder:
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Version 1.3
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