Macro Control
Delay: delay the macro execution for a specific duration
Purge Pending Macro: used to purge pending macros
Certainty: controls the Integrated Media Block (IMB) board
Dolby DFC100: allows for enabling and disabling the Dolby 3D color wheel
ecna: allows for controlling the external automation box
jnior expansion module: allows for controlling the external automation box (9-16)
jnior: allows for controlling the external automation box (1-8)
Click the "Cancel" button to cancel the action insertion.
To add an action to the Macro Automation Cue click on its corresponding action button
in the "Action" window.
6.2.3 Add Delay to the Macro Automation Cue
To add a delay action to the selected Macro Automation Cue click the “Delay” button in
the “Add a new Action” window and define the delay parameter using the following
Figure 30: Delay Setup Window
Click the “Ok” button when the setting is done
6.2.4 Add a GPO Action to the Macro Automation Cue
To add a GPO action click the “General Purpose Output” button which is located in the
"Input/Output" section in the “Add a new Action” window (see Figure 29 above)
The following window will appear:
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Version 1.3
Doremi Cinema LLC Confidential
Buttons to increase and
decrease minutes
Buttons to increase and
decrease seconds