Figure 56: Account Manager GUI – New User Addition
Enter the username (to be used for login) in the upper empty field and the associated
“Full Name” used to describe the user
Both names will be displayed in the Control Panel window after the new user addition is
Define the associated password by clicking the “Set Password” button
The following window will appear:
Figure 57: Password Definition Window
The user will be provided information about the strength of the chosen password. Click
the “Set” button when the appropriate password is defined. Confirm the password in the
“Confirm” field. The user privileges need to be defined using the list box.
Select the proper privileges. They are listed below from the lowest level to the highest
level of privileges:
1) Projectionist: is a standard user allowed to use the Doremi applications present on the
ShowVault without changing the configuration.
2) Show Manager: in addition to a Projectionist's privileges, a ShowManager user is
allowed to ingest and delete content.
3) SuperUser: in addition to Show Manager's right, a SuperUser has the privileges to
configure the unit. For example, the SuperUser can update the firmware and software.
4) Administrator: an Administrator user will be a user in the group of “root”.
Page 51
Version 1.3
Doremi Cinema LLC Confidential
"Set Password"
'Full Name" Field