ENiQ/ELS/DOM Tapkey Access Manager Terminal Compact (also ELS Siedle
Terminal (wall reader)
Reading and writing
Request for authorisations
Switching of an actuator
Checking of access points on two to four sides while extending the validity
of the transponders in a Data on Card system
Extension of validity of authorisations
Control unit and reader in one device
It can be used on its own.
ENiQ/ELS Access Manager Terminal HiSec (also ELS Siedle Vario)
Terminal (wall reader)
Reading and writing
Request for authorisations
Switching of an actuator
Extension of validity of authorisations
Control unit and reader in one device
Checking of access points on one side while extending the validity of the
transponders in a Data on Card system
ENiQ/ELS Passive Reader (also ELS Siedle Vario)
Wall reader
Reading and writing
It can only be used in combination with an ENiQ/ELS Access Manager
Compact/HiSec control unit.
ENiQ/ELS Passive Reader Terminal
Wall reader
Reading and writing
It can only be used in combination with an ENiQ/ELS Access Manager
Terminal Compact control unit.
ENiQ/ELS Access Manager ITT (also ELS Siedle Vario)
Transponder terminal (wall reader)
Reading and writing
Request for authorisations
Switching of an actuator