The ten-digit ID number is 10 digits long and displays in the following
• ID NUMBER 0-123-456-789
The unit ID number is also displayed on the front numeric display 3 digits
at a time, repeating twice for each 3 digit group. This display may
alternatively be invoked by depressing the channel up and down buttons
simultaneously while the power is on.
Checking the DR500’s Status
You can periodically check the status of the DR500 using the DMX
1. To check the status, press:
The DMX MUSIC/DJ displays a variety of status messages.
2. To move through the screens of information, press
on the
The DR500 status messages are presented in the following tables.
DMX Music/DJ General Status Messages
Status Message Description
SIG Strength: ##
Displays the Eb/No signal strength.
For a listing of signal strength
codes, refer to
Signal Quality.
System: Locked/Unlocked
Displays locked or unlocked.
Forced TN: ##
Displays the number of
programmed forced tune events.
Dyn Ring: ##
Displays the number of channels
that have a dynamic range setting.
FREQ: ##kHz
Displays the RF frequency.
DR500 VER #.##
Displays the current DR500
software version.