Operating instructions:
Rx 12 DS
modelltechnik gmbh • Neuer Weg 15 • D-75223 Niefern
35 MHz band A
Order No. 5 5936
35 MHz band B (36 MHz*)
Order No. 5 5938
40 MHz (41 MHz)
Order No. 5 5937
Rx 12 DS
receiver has been developed specifically for
the new
PPM 12
transmission process, which is used for
the first time in the
PROFI mc 4000
. This technology is
able to transmit a maximum of 12 channels. All twelve
channels operate at equal high speed, without any delay,
and all twelve can be used without restriction for any model
The jumper (black bridging plug) fitted to socket 12
switches the receiver to 9-channel operation for
compatibility with earlier transmitters. This is the mode in
which the receiver is supplied as standard.
Up to three batteries
can be connected to the
Rx 12 DS
This innovation makes for great versatility, and allows the
user to select the optimum power supply arrangement for
receiver and servos. The possible options are described in
detail in Section 2.
1. PPM 9 and PPM 12
transmission modes
: the Rx 12 DS receiver can process either PPM 9
or PPM 12 signals. If you set a transmission mode on the
transmitter which does not match the receiver, the receiver
will not work at all. If the receiver picks up a PCM signal, an
unusable signal (same channel interference) or a signal
which is too weak to be usable, it switches the servo out-
puts off.
: if you land "out" and have to recover your
model with the transmitter switched off, the servos stay at
rest, i.e. they will not move uncontrollably and cause dam-
age to themselves or the model's linkages.
Default setting: PPM 9
The receiver is supplied with a jumper fitted to socket 12,
i.e. it is in PPM 9 transmission mode. In this mode the
"superfluous" sockets 10 and 11 are wired in parallel to
sockets 1 and 2, and can therefore be used to replace two
Power supply
for PPM9
= channel 1
= channel 2
Switching to PPM 12
To use 12-channel mode you must remove the jumper
fitted to socket 12. Sockets 10 to 12 can then be used d i-
rectly for servos 10 to 12. Be sure to keep the spare jumper
in a safe place!
Power supply
channel 12
channel 11
channel 10
2. Alternative battery circuits
Default mode: one shared battery
If you want to use a single battery, leave the jumpers in the
sockets marked B(7-12) and B(HF). Connect the battery (or
switch harness) to the socket marked B(1-6).
Power s upply
jump ers
Common battery
Two separate batteries for servos and RF section (re-
ceiver electronics)
In this mode a separate battery is used for the RF section
(receiver electronics). A small battery (e.g. 270 mAh or 500
mAh) is adequate, as the consumption of the electronics is
only about 35 mA.
The advantage of this arrangement is that possible inte r-
ference produced by the servos cannot reach the receiver
via the battery.
Power supply
Battery for:
servos 1-12
RF section
Three battery mode
(see next page)