Installation Procedures
2.3 Installing the BA42B System
Table 2–3 Terminal Settings
Terminal mode
Transmit speed
9600 baud
Receive speed
receive = transmit
Character format
8 bits, no parity
Stop bits
Comm1 port
DEC-423 (data-leads-only)
See the terminal documentation if you want more information on setting
up the terminal.
If you connect the console terminal cable to one of the MMJ ports on
the back of a VT3
terminal, you must set the port so that it can
operate as a DEC423 port. See the terminal documentation for more
3. Connect the terminal cable supplied with the system (see Figure 2–2) to
MMJ port 3 on the back of the system (see Figure 2–3). Connect the other
end of the console cable to a DEC423 port on the terminal.
4. If the terminal has EIA-232 ports only, connect the EIA-232 to DEC423
adapter to the EIA-232 port on the terminal. Then connect the terminal
cable to the EIA-232 to DEC423 adapter.
Some terminal cables have grond wire. You must connect this ground
wire to the grounding pillar (screw) above MMJ port 1, using the screw
provided with the cable.
2–8 Installation Procedures