Congratula ons! You have just purchased
Pulsed Electromagnet-
ic Field Therapy Device (hereina er – Device). The Device is classi
ed as medical
equipment product and is listed in the nomenclature of physiotherapeu c devices
authorized for use in medical prac ce.
Please, read this Opera ng Manual carefully that is the document cer fying the
main parameters guaranteed by the manufacturer as well as speci
ca ons, indica-
ons for use, intended use procedures and safety precau ons. This knowledge will
allow you to make the best use of the unique product capabili es on the treatment
and preven on of a wide range of diseases, either under medical facility environ-
ment where the physiotherapy department is present or by pa ents themselves at
home, on their doctor’s advice.
A en on!
Please, retain the Opera ng Manual all of the way through a product’s lifecycle.
Whenever the device is transferred to third par es, the Opera ng Manual shall be
transferred with the product.
Carrying out the treatment sessions by the pa ent at home does
not require any special training and/or skills. To be more e
ec ve
in using the device, please, read the Opera ng Manual and follow
treatment procedures.