• malignancies*;
• condi ons preven ng from procedure performing: alcohol and drug intoxica-
on, psychomotor agita on of any genesis;
• uncompensated arterial hypertension of Class 3, arterial hypertension crisis of
any class;
• arterial hypotension (SBP < 90 mm Hg, DBP < 65 mm Hg);
• aneurysms of aorta and large vessels;
• hemodynamically signi
cant cardiac arrhythmias and/or intracardiac conduc-
on disturbances (atrial
brilla on and
u er, paroxysmal supraventricular and
ventricular tachycardia, ventricular extrasystole of degree four or
ve according to
Lown-Wolf-Ryan scale, atrioventricular block degree two or three, sinus bradyar-
• any condi ons and diseases of the thyroid gland, accompanied by hyperpro-
duc on of thyroid hormones;
• ac ve tuberculosis process of any loca on;
• acute and subacute stage of myocardial infarc on;
• implanted cardiostimulator present in the exposure area.
Metal inclusions, if present in bone ssue, is not a contraindica on to administra-
on of the device in therapeu c doses.
Metal dental crowns, if present in mouth cavity, is not a contraindica on to ad-
ministra on of the device in therapeu c doses.
Treatment using the ALMAG Ac ve device may be carried out for pa ents with the di-
agnosis of a malignant neoplasm
only as directed and under the supervision of the a end-
ing physician,
a er a comprehensive an tumor therapy (surgical treatment, chemotherapy
course, radia on therapy) and in the absence of metastasis and progression of the tumor