8.1. General rules of procedure sequence
A en on!
• Carrying out the treatment sessions by the pa ent at home does not require
any special training and/or skills.
Please, read the instruc on carefully before proceeding to get maximum ef-
fect. Proceed according to the above procedures.
The e
ec veness of magnetotherapy procedures depends on:
- exact conformity with the recommenda ons rela ng to the procedure for de-
vice use;
- individual magne c sensi vity of the pa ent;
- the stage and features of the course of the disease, for which the treatment is
being carried out.
Should you have ques on(s) and/or concerns during treatment and rehabil-
ita on using the device, please, consult with your a ending doctor. You can also
seek for advice on the manufacturer’s o
cial website (en.elamed.com).
Before treatment start, carefully read the list of indica ons and con-
traindica ons and be sure to consult your doctor to determine the
correct diagnosis and to exclude your exis ng diseases and condi-
ons contraindica ng the use of the device.