When using the device for its intend-
ed purpose, pay a en on to the correct
placement of the emi er on the body:
all the methods s pulate for ac ng by
the north magne c pole of the inductor
coils (marked with the «N» sign on the
coil housings). During the procedure, the
device is applied directly to the a
organ and surrounding ssue, to its pro-
jec on area or re
ec ng zones with the
north side («N») facing the body.
• The treatment is carried out by ac ng on the lesion itself, the surrounding
ssues and re
ectory zones by applying the inductor coils of the device directly to
skin. Due to high penetra ng ability of the magne c
eld induced by the device, the
treatment can also be carried out through clothing, dry or wet gauze bandage, or a
plaster bandage up to 1 cm thick.
The op mal posi on of the pa ent during the procedure – supine. A er the
procedure, in order to achieve the maximum e
ect, it is necessary to remain in a
horizontal posi on for 30 minutes.
• If the device is required to treat several diseases or condi ons, proceed as
follows: Bring the 1
disease treatment course to comple on, then make a break
for 10 to 15 days and
nally proceed to the 2
disease treatment course. If the
device is required to treat the single disease or condi on, keep the pause of 1,5 to
2 months between treatment courses. Shorter pauses between treatment courses
are only allowed upon
your a ending doctor’s
When performing procedures,
locate the emitter with the
working surface of inductors
with the «N» letter facing
the treated area