In order to avoid adverse events including increase in arterial blood pressure and
comorbid diseases, do not exceed the exposure me as speci
ed in the Direc ons
for Use Chapter of this Opera on Manual, de
ned in sec ons «General rules of pro-
cedure sequence» and «Features of methods of device use in di
erent age groups
of pa ents» of this opera on manual.
Before treatment start, be sure to consult
your doctor to exclude your exis ng diseases and condi ons contraindica ng the
use of the device.
A en on!
A en on!
In case the exposure results in the blood pressure increase or de-
crease by 10 to 25 mm Hg during the
rst 6 days of treatment
(Mode 3), reduce the treatment dura on by 1/3 during the next ses-
sion and apply Mode 2 during the next 3 days of treatment. From
that me onwards, resume Mode 1 treatment.
In case the exposure results in the blood pressure increase or de-
crease by more than 25 mm Hg consult with your a ending doctor
prior to the next session to adjust the treatment procedure. Keep a
log by entering the measurement data required to trace the me
course of blood pressure.