The dura on of the procedure and the treatment modes is determined indi-
vidually taking into account the pa ent’s age. The recommended combina ons
of the procedure dura on and treatment mode are indicated in sec on «Fea-
tures of the methodology of device use in various age categories of pa ents».
The use of the device in pediatric prac ce for children from 1 month of age and
older should be carried out strictly in accordance with the age dosages speci
in this manual.
A en on!
A en on!
• The procedures are carried out once a day, at the same me (at regular me
intervals). Provided that it is well tolerated, in order to increase the e
ec veness of
treatment, it is recommended to increase the mul plicity of the procedure repeats
be up to 2 mes a day. At the same me, the break between the procedures should
be at least 8 hours, and the total dura on of the procedures should not exceed 40
minutes per day. When trea ng two joints, the interval between procedures for
alternate joints should be at least 10 minutes.
• The procedure administra on methods (the frequency and dura on of the pro-
the impacted area
, the loca on of the inductor coils, the dura on of the
treatment course) can be adjusted by the a ending physician,
taking into account
the individual characteris cs of the pa ent and the par cular course of the dis-
ease for which the treatment is being carried out
The exposure (treatment duration) is set automatically to 20 minutes
for all the treatment modes.
The device generates the sound signal
each 5 minutes when in treatment mode.
To set the recommended
treatment duration (less than 20 minutes), terminate the treatment
forcedly by pressing the «START/STOP» button again.
The mode set function is only active when there is no exposure.