- radial nerve neuritis
- ulnar nerve neuritis
- median nerve neuritis
- sciatic nerve (ischias) neuritis
- peroneal nerve neuritis
- plexitis
- neuralgia
- trigeminal neuralgia
- occipital neuralgia
- intercostal neuralgia
Pancreatic diabetes complications:
- diabetic angiopathy
- diabetic polyneuropathy
Diseases of venous system:
- deep vein thrombosis of the lower leg
- chronic thrombophlebitis
- varicose veins
• acute infec ous diseases and purulent-in
ammatory processes of any loca on;
• pregnancy;
• diseases and condi ons accompanied by impaired hemostasis of the hypo-
coagula on type (decreased blood coagula on), risk of bleeding and hemorrhagic
syndrome, including systemic blood diseases (hemophilia, thrombo c thrombocy-
topenic purpura, etc.), as well as bleeding of any genesis and loca on;