Operating the Unit Connected to Telecommunications
Equipment (ISDN Telecommunications Equipment)
If you want to operate your Convision V6xx A connected to telecommunications
equipment, you have to connect the Convision V6xx A to the S
-bus in parallel to an
ISDN telephone that can be accessed from your computer.
For initial configuration of the unit, dial the telephone number assigned to the
telephone connected. Since this is a data call, the phone will not answer (i.e. the
phone will not ring) but the Convision V6xx A will answer the call.
Note: In the case of telecommunications equipment it may be necessary to
enable data transmission for the access. For this purpose, contact the manufacturer
of the telecommunications equipment.
5.4 Connecting the Unit via Modem
To operate the Convision V6xx A via an analog modem, connect the modem to the
serial interface (COM 2) of your Convision V6xx A using a serial cable. Connect
the modem to the telephone socket using the telephone cable and to the power
supply via the power pack. For information on configuring the unit, please refer to
Chapter 9.1.2.
5.5 Connecting the Cameras
Proceed as described in the following to connect one or several cameras to the
Convision V6xx A:
1. To supply the camera with 12 V DC, connect the "+" cable of the camera to the
12V DC plug, which is then connected to the 12V DC Power connector (female).
The BNC connection provides the mass connection (GND).
2. Connect the BNC connector to a camera input on the rear of the Convision
V6xx A.
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