Congratulations on purchasing a unit of the Convision V600 A Series.
The Convision V600 A Series is available in the following versions:
Convision V600
Convision V610 A
Convision V610 A XL
Convision V610 A XXL
Many of the descriptions and instructions contained in this manual apply to all the
versions. In this case, the name "Convision V6xx A" is used.
This manual intends to convey the knowledge required to connect and handle your
Convision V6xx A. General information on configuring the required software on your
computer you will find in the “Convision System Configuration“document. You do not
need any special software to operate the Convision V6xx A since all the components
are generally included in the standard software package supplied with the computer.
Please read this manual before connecting your Convision V6xx A.
You can download the latest update of the Convision V6xx A manual and the
Convision V6xx A firmware free of charge from the Convision Website
Operate the Convision V6xx A exclusively with 12 V DC.
Step by Step Procedures
1. Meeting the System Requirements – refer to Chapter 3
2. Connecting the Components – refer to Chapter 5
3. Configuring the System – refer to document “Convision System Configuration“
4. Setting up Your Browser – refer to document “Convision System Configuration“
5. Configuring Your Convision V6xx A – refer to Chapter 6 and 9
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Convision V600 A Series