If you did not define a password, this option will be ignored.
Ask your provider whether password encryption is supported or not.
10.5 Channel Bundling
An basic ISDN access provides two transmission channels with a bandwidth of 64
kbit each for language or other user data. These channels are referred to as B-
channels. For a standard ISDN connection, only one of the two available B channels
is used. When both the B-channels are used for data transfer, this is referred to as
"channel bundling". This means, twice the data volume can be transferred at the
same time. The charges accrue per channel, which means that they will be doubled
during channel bundling.
Channel bundling can be activated individually for incoming and outgoing
connections to the Convision V6xx A.
Not all providers support this option. If you activated channel bundling but your
provider does not support this option, a single channel connection will be established.
Ask your provider whether channel bundling is supported or not.
Note: If your provider does support channel bundling but it is not possible to
bundle the two lines, the connection will be terminated with an error message in the
status display (refer to Chapter 9.1.12).
10.6 SMTP or Mail Server
An SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server forwards outgoing e-mail messages
to the recipient. The address of the SMTP server can be obtained from the system
administrator for a LAN connection and from your telecommunications provider for an
ISDN connection.
To be able to access the SMTP server, the e-mail address of the sending Convision
V6xx A must be registered with the provider.
SMTP Authentication – SMTP-after-POP
Some e-mail providers require authentication to prevent anyone with an unauthorised
or fake e-mail address from using the SMTP server. One authentication method is
SMTP Authentication. You need to enter a user name and password for this.
Another authentication is a registration via POP 3 (Post Office Protocol – Protocol
used to access a server which stores e-mails for other computers).
If the provider requires this method for authentication, just enter the user names and
password in the same way you have to to receive your e-mail.
10.7 Control via CGI Parameters
CGI (Common Gateway Interface) is a way of providing programs that can be
opened by HTML files. The program and the parameters to be used to open the
program are placed in the URL following the IP address. An example is given below:
- 81 -