Repair Notes
While repairs are in progress it is always important not only to verify operation after the repair, but to also check
for the following, if you are to familiar with one of the below mentioned upgrades or kits, call Colin’s Technical
Service at 800-829-6427:
Front Case- When replacing the front case make sure to check the following:
1. Chassis is not bent or damaged.
2. Nylon washers between LCD and front case are present.
3. No nicks or holes are in LCD interface cable.
4. Grounding strap of sheet switch is connected appropriately.
Rear Case- When replacing the rear case make sure to check the following:
1. Has the main AC ON/OFF switch been removed with the upgrade?
2. Is the metal C-clamp for the pole holder bracket straight and not opened beyond its normal C shape.
Use of a ball peen hammer or vise will help to return bracket to its normal shape.
3. Is the rubber pole holder still in place on the plastic pole mount?
4. Is the grounding bracket placed onto the new rear case (bracket is located next to the battery
housing and connects with a bronze 3 x 4 to the rear case).
5. Has the unit been upgraded with the top left and right reinforcement bracket kits, they are placed
onto the chassis and extend to protect the top corners of the rear case?
6. Has the unit’s pole holder been upgraded with the metal sliding bracket and the white pole sliders
ears been removed.
7. Verify the battery connector is again attached as the rear case is placed back onto the unit.
8. Verify the battery felt is not between the rear and front case joint.
Battery- When the battery is replaced always verify the following:
1. Is the battery charging voltage appropriate for the type of use the department will use it for?
14.0–14.4 if battery back-up only, 14.6–14.8 if used only on battery power.
2. Is the battery low and empty indicators correct? (see troubleshooting)
Main Board- When the main board is removed or replaced, verify the following:
Is the appropriate software on the board?
Are the dip switches set appropriately?
Is the A-Tube kinked behind the power supply cable or between the board and chassis?
Is the printer cable connected, if applicable?