Cisco ONS 15310-CL and Cisco ONS 15310-MA Troubleshooting Guide, R7.0
Chapter 1 Error Messages
Invalid extension byte setting for ring.
The extension byte set for the specified ring
is invalid.
Cannot delete ring. There is a protection operation set. All
protection operations must be clear for ring to be deleted.
Clear all the protection operations for the
ring before deleting it.
Cannot delete {0} because a protection switch is in effect.
Please clear any protection operations, make sure that the
reversion time is not "never" and allow any protection switches
to clear before trying again.
Clear all protection operations or switches
before deleting the ring.
The following nodes could not be unprovisioned
Therefore you will need to delete this {1} again later.
The specified nodes could not be
unprovisioned. Try deleting this BLSR or
MS-SPRing later.
Cannot upgrade ring.
CTC cannot upgrade the specified ring.
Inadequate ring speed for upgrade. Only {0} (or higher) {1}
can be upgraded to 4-fiber.
You have selected an incorrect ring speed
for upgrade. Only rings within the specified
parameters can be upgraded to 4-fiber
Verify that the following nodes have at least two in-service
ports with the same speed as the 2-fiber {0}. The ports cannot
serve as a timing reference, and they cannot have DCC
terminations or overhead circuits. {1}
Nonupgradable nodes. Verify that the
specified nodes have at least two IS-NR
ports with the same speed as the 2-fiber
The specified ports cannot serve as a timing
reference, and they cannot have data
communications channel (DCC)
terminations or overhead circuits.
You cannot add this span because it is connected to a node that
already has the east and west ports defined.
Refer to the error message text.
You cannot add this span as it would cause a single card to host
both the east span and the west span. A card cannot protect
Refer to the error message text.
OSPF area error.
There is an Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
area error.
You cannot add this span. It would cause the following
circuit(s) to occupy different {0} regions on different spans:
Either select a different span or delete the above circuit(s).
A circuit cannot occupy different STS
regions on different spans. You may add a
different span or delete the specified circuit.
Illegal state error.
An internal error occurred while trying to
remove a span from a BLSR.
This alarm occurs in the network-level
BLSR creation dialog box.
This port is already assigned. The east and west ports must be
Refer to the error message text.
Table 1-1
Error Messages (continued)
Error Warning
Error Warning Message