Cisco ONS 15310-CL and Cisco ONS 15310-MA Troubleshooting Guide, R7.0
Chapter 1 Transient Conditions
1.3.34 WKSWPR
1.3.34 WKSWPR
The Switched to Protection (WKSWPR) condition occurs when traffic switches to the protect port/card
in a nonrevertive protection group.
This transient condition does not result in a standing condition.
The Warm Restart (WRMRESTART) condition occurs when the node restarts while it is powered up. A
restart can be caused by provisioning, such as database-restore and IP changes, or software defects. A
WRMRESTART is normally accompanied by MANRESET or AUTORESET to indicate whether the
reset was initiated manually (MAN) or automatically (AUTO).
This is the first condition that appears after a 15310-CL-CTX or CTX2500 card is powered up. The
condition changes to COLD-START if the 15310-CL-CTX or CTX2500 card is restarted from a power